Embracing my bad memory by celebrating everything the world has to offer

Have you ever been sitting in a room, surrounded by your family and closest friends, but still felt like you were just a warm body on the sidelines of your life? My name is Laurie, I am 37 years old, and I have always had a bad memory. To this day, I go out and listen to the people around me tells stories from their pasts, but always have a hard time contributing – even when those memories involve me. I just don’t remember things like other people do. I never have. If you ask me about high-school I could tell you where I went, who I hung out with and when I graduated. But ask me what classes I took, which teachers I had, where I went to prom, what my friends and I did for fun and I couldn’t tell you. I’ve been married to my amazing husband Craig for almost 13 years but if you want details of our wedding day, you’ve come to the wrong person. I can’t even picture it in my head (good thing we have tons of photos!). I couldn’t give you details of our first date or our first kiss. I probably couldn’t even tell you off the top of my head what we did two weeks ago without him prompting me. That’s also why I have taken to calling him “my memory”.

Admittedly, the problem doesn’t just stop with remembering experiences – it extends into general knowledge as well. Believe me, you do NOT want me on your trivia team. Whether it’s a movie I saw or a book I read – a few weeks later, I couldn’t tell you what happened. I could watch or read it again and feel like it was the very first time. My friends, on the other hand, like to have in-depth conversations about specific actors and directors and their favorite movies growing up. And I’m lucky if I can even remember if I ever saw the movies they are talking about. That’s just always been the way things have been for me.
It would be easy for me to get down on myself about how bad my memory is Рand believe me, when I was younger I definitely did. But as I grew up, I decided to just embrace it for what it is. I began celebrating every day and focused on living in the moment (clich̩, I know!). My focus has been on finding new and different adventures, restaurants, bars, and activities to keep things fun and exciting. And through the years I have come up with ways to help myself remember Рthrough Scrapbooking, Instagram posts, memory boxes, etc.
I am happy to say I have experienced a lot of unique things the world has to offer. And I plan to continue to do so in the future. I love to travel. I eat waaaay too much. And I don’t shy away from a gimmick.
With the help of “my memory” (AKA my husband Craig), I hope to share some of the experiences I have had and some of the tips and tricks I have accumulated along the way. A lot of these things are going to be mainly focused on NY since I spend half my time in the city and the other half on Long Island, but I promise to throw in recommendations from my travels and hobbies as well.
Now before I jump in, it’s important for me to stress that none of the companies or businesses I reference in this blog are paying or compensating me in any way. I am writing these simply to help anyone who wants it and hoping to use this as another vehicle to store my memories. I will be sharing random thoughts, genuine feelings, and recommendations on literally whatever I feel like talking about in the moment. I hope you enjoy what I have to say and it inspires you.  




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